Everyone is welcome
(updated: 1-July-24)
Our Public Services
"Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works"
(Heb 10:24)
Bible Class
Sunday at 10 am
The adult Bible class has completed their study of the gospel of John and will now start a study of John's three epistles, which should be completed before the end of the year. The congregation is fortunate to have young children who attend regularly, and there is a separate class for them.
Lord's Day Worship Service
Sunday at 11 am
Following the New Testament pattern, the congregation worships God by singing, praying, observing the Lord's Supper, having an opportunity to contribute of their means, and being edified by a lesson from God's Word.
Mid-Week Bible Study
Wednesday at 5 pm
The mid-week Bible study is currently studying Paul's first letter to Timothy, making use of a WVBS series of DVDs as our guide.
Note: the starting time has changed for the convenience of our members.
Contact Us
Jim Burns (928-457-7623)
Jerett Coleman (928-245-2683)
David Mulej (425-765-9675)